Monday 21 December 2020

Tofino Locals Surf Video

 I've been trying my hand at shooting surfers lately and caught a lot of talented folks out on Chesterman Beach in Tofino yesterday. I quickly whipped it together into this. Hope you like it!

Thursday 10 December 2020

Another Ucluelet Sunset

 I live a block from one of the best places in the world to watch the sunset. I can't help but want to share. Here's last night's in 4K and 800% speed so you can sneak in a Ukee sunset whenever you need one

Friday 4 December 2020

Ucluelet Sunset

Shot the sunset this evening in 4K, thought I would share

In other news, Trust Me? Series 2 will start on Monday. 

Thanks, Geoff

Thursday 12 November 2020

shIft Introduction

I've been planning to add interviews to my output for a while. I was the morning host of a commercial radio station for 6 years or so and during that time I found I loved interviewing people. It's an exciting process full of surprises, quick thinking and one of the most amazing ways to learn when you have a fascinating topic to discuss.

With things in our world in the greatest state of flux I've seen in my life I figured that would be a good thing to talk to people about. COVID, political and cultural shifts, the climate crisis and countless other personal drama are playing out and interacting. Each one of is is coping with these things in different ways, some are adapting and thriving, leaving the old patterns that were destroyed behind while others don't have that luxury. So far I've lined up some actors, musicians, comedians and actors to talk about this sort of stuff but I'm also hoping to talk to mothers, retirees, recent graduates and others who are facing large-scale personal changes along-side the more global ones.

 If you'd like to have a chat send me an email;

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Trust Me? Series 1 Director's Cut

 Tonight at 8:15PT on YouTube we premier the director's cut of series one of Trust Me? Hope you can check it out. It will be available to stream on Facebook and YouTube afterwards, of course

Cheers, Geoff

Saturday 31 October 2020

Trust Me Hallowe'en Special?

 My web-media petri dish program Trust Me? is premiering an 82 minute cut of their Hallowe'en Special tonight at 7pm on Facebook and 7:15 on YouTube. The videos are embedded at the Trust Me? website if you want to check it out.

Monday 12 October 2020

Heard Amid The Guns video series

 I recently began working with author Jacqueline Carmichael to produce a series of videos featuring various writers, actors and other interesting folks reading from her new book; Heard Amid The Guns: True Stories form the Western Front. We've added some period appropriate production and they're starting the trickle out into the wild. You can watch them on YouTube, below

Monday 5 October 2020


It's a time of change, and this website is no different. In response to the changing world and the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the live entertainment industry I'm transitioning into more digital media for the time being. 

Projects are primarily web-based video productions like the comedy web series Trust Me? (which you can visit at or all over social media) and other projects like a series of videos based on readings from the book Heard Amid The Guns by Jacqueline Carmichael.  

The website will change to reflect these endeavors and more as I find time, for now check out some videos from Trust Me?

Thanks for checking in, Geoff

Sunday 8 March 2020

Revival, Renewal & Other Needlessly Dramatic Laguage

The Ballistic Pig website hasn't gotten much attention lately, perhaps that will change. For now I've cleaned it up a bit and intend to use it to focus on my creative adventures more than the working band portion of my musical output. 

A recent project I've recorded is this ode to those who have lost a loved one to mental illness... a heavy tune that means a lot to me.

On a lighter note there will still be updates from the wedding/event band portion of my life.  Tara and I have been spending some time in the studio, lately. Here's a demo of an 80s classic we whipped up the other day;